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Submitted by admin on 20 June 2024

On behalf of members of the board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, staff and the entire students of the Faculty, I wish to warmly and heartily welcome you to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Jos, Jos – Nigeria. We are delighted to welcome you to our revered Faculty as one of our student(s) whether at the undergraduate or postgraduate level.

We wish to inform you as our student(s) that you are the reason we are here, and it is our responsibility as academics to mold you in both character and learning. I therefore, urge you to take advantage of every opportunity available to be sure that you are found worthy in character and in learning to be counted among those who would be awarded diploma, or any of the degrees of the University of Jos.

The Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Jos, leads in terms of research in the fields of Economics, Criminology, Political Science, Psychology and humanities generally and others follow. When you are opportune to be in any of the fields of study in any of the Departments in this faculty, count yourself among the lucky ones because you will be equipped with both theoretical and practical knowledge that would make you render a socially and scientifically efficient and effective service to humanity wherever you will find yourself.

The faculty gives unwavering and unflinching support to our students who are determined to excel morally and in their academic pursuit in this faculty and the University at large. While we encourage our campus students to express their ideas freely, the faculty frowns and warns strongly against cultism, prostitution, indecent dressing, examination misconduct and any form of vices in the faculty.

On this note, it’s my singular honor and pleasure to welcome you very specially and wish you a very rewarding and wonderful experience in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Jos, Jos - Plateau state, Nigeria.                                                               

                                                                                                                                                                     Professor Gideon G. Goshit

                                                                                                                                                                     Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences

Faculty Staff
Dean: Prof. Gideon G. Goshit
Deputy Dean:
Faculty Officer: