The vision of the Department of Microbiology is to excel in training and research such that our graduates can compete globally.
Mission of the Program
The mission of the Department of Microbiology is to produce personnel with high skill and expertise in the field of Microbiology that will meet the ever-increasing local and global demand for Microbiologists.
Core Values/Philosophy of the Program
To train competent, disciplined and innovative personnel for the ever-increasing demands in private and public establishment, agricultural sector, water resources and environmental protection, food regulatory agencies, and also identify human problems and design solutions.
Aim and Objectives of the Program
i. Offer programs in Microbiology and Biotechnology leading to the award of bachelor and postgraduate degrees.
ii. To produce Microbiologists with innovative and entrepreneurial skills.
iii. To collaborate with relevant industries, research institutes and international agencies for support of high standard research, training towards achieving …
iv. To promote dissemination of research findings both locally and internationally.
v. To develop and employ new and appropriate approaches to teaching, learning and assessment that meets the needs of students.
vi. To promote the training and retraining of staff under favourable working environment.
vii. To train qualified Microbiologists who will assist in the development, planning and implementation of science and technology policies for the country.
List of Programs Offered in the Department (Undergraduate & Postgraduate)
i. BSc Microbiology
ii. Postgraduate Diploma in Microbiology (PgDM)
iii. MSc Environmental Microbiology
iv. MSc Food and Industrial Microbiology
v. MSc Medical Microbiology & Immunology
vi. MSc Microbial Biotechnology
vii. MSc Public Health & Sanitary Microbiology
viii. PhD Environmental Microbiology
ix. PhD Food and Industrial Microbiology
x. PhD Medical Microbiology & Immunology
xi. PhD Microbial Biotechnology
xii. PhD Public Health & Sanitary Microbiology
Brief Description of the Postgraduate Programs
The postgraduate programs in the Department of Microbiology are designed to give students advanced course work in Microbiology and in-depth introduction to Microbiology research. Lectures are designed for both physical and virtual deliveries by senior academics in the various fields of Microbiology. The students are also trained to prepare and make seminar presentations on various topics of interest in their respective fields as well as design and execute original research projects using traditional and advanced research technologies.
The Department provides each student with broad knowledge in their areas of specializations such that they can enter the workforce as professional Microbiologists or continue their academic training in advanced graduate or professional programs.