Area of Specialization: Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
Research Interest: Dr. Longtong Turshak is the head, Department of Science Laboratory Technology. He is a Reader and a Research Fellow teaching, conducting research and supervising undergraduate and graduate students in Biodiversity Conservation and Ecology discipline for over 18 years. He is an Associate Lecturer at the A.P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI), Department of Zoology, University of Jos where he teaches and guide MSc Students in Conservation Biology. His research focuses primarily on biogeography and macroecology with specific interest on diversity and distribution patterns of birds, small mammals and insects and the underlying processes that drive them. Dr. Turshak is currently collaborating in a number of research activities including Socio-ecological outcomes of protected and conserve area system, Human-Wildlife conflicts, disease ecology and anthropogenic effects on biodiversity. He is a commission member of the Intyernational Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF), Society for Conservation Bioology (SCB) and the Zoological Society of Nigeria to mention a few.