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Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciences

Head of Department

Dr. Juliana Rotkangmwa Bodang

Earlier, teacher education in special education was obtained overseas until 1974 when a Diploma programme was started at the University of Ibadan and two years later in 1976 a degree programme in the institution was introduced. Special education teacher programme was introduced in the University of Jos in 1978 when it began as a unit in Educational Psychology. It was later that the Department of Special Education was established in the university, first with a certificate, then diploma and finally degree programmes. The B.Ed. programme came into operation in September, 1981 to coincide with the commencement of the new semester system.

The Department runs three programmes namely, the National University Commission (NUC) minimum standard programme with teaching subject, (SPE) the Rehabilitation Sciences Education without teaching subject (RSE)

and the categorical programme without teaching subject (EDS). The categorical programme is offered in three areas of specialization namely, Visual Handicap, Hearing Handicap and Learning Disabilities. This means that the training is categorical in nature. Presently, Bachelor of Science Education, Master and Doctoral degrees in Special Education are offered in the department.

In addition, the department operates a resource room mainly for students with visual impairment enrolled in the various Faculties of the university. Services offered include brailing and thermoforming of lecture notes and question papers, tape recording of materials for students with visual impairment as well as laboratory space for practical demonstration and teaching.

Other laboratories operated by the department for other categories of exceptional children include the Model Teaching Centre for children with hearing impairment and learning disabilities.

The department maintains close link with Gindiri School for the Blind and Islamiya special class on Bauchi Road, the Plateau State School for the Deaf as well as private schools with good number of children with learning disabilities such as Mafeng Private School, Ganaka International School, Otana Integrated School, Open Doors for Special Learners, Learning Disabilities Diagnostic and Assessment Centre etc all in Jos. 

The B.Sc. Ed. Degree in Special Education is a 4 - year full time course of study for Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) students and a 3-year full time course of study for direct entry students.


To serve as a leading center of excellence and support, working in partnership with relevant stakeholders including schools, families and organisations for the improvement of educational outcomes for students with special needs.


To nurture all persons with Special Needs as well as those who aspire to work with them to have high-quality educational opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and character leading to a productive and worthwhile life.


To give the programme more pragmatic relevance, issues related to projected needs, employability, career and higher education options and entry level eligibility are given serious consideration so that the opportunities for special needs educators are at par with teachers in general education.





The Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciences runs three programmes namely,

1.     The standard programme with teaching subject, (SPE)

2.     The Rehabilitation Sciences Education without teaching subject (RSE)

3.     The categorical programme without teaching subject (EDS). 

The categorical programme is offered in three areas of specialization namely,

1.     Visual Handicap,

2.     Hearing Handicap and

3.     Learning Disabilities. 

# Name Rank Expertise
1 Prof. John .I Ihenacho Professorr Learning Disabilities
2 Prof. Desmond E. Ozoji Professor Visual Impairment
3 Prof. Isuwa J. Jurmang Professor Hearing Impairment
4 Prof. Bolchit G. Dala Professor Hearing Impairment
5 Prof.Christopher.M. Vandeh Professor Hearing Impairment
6 Prof. Belinda. G. Babudoh Professor Hearing Impairment
7 Prof. Elemukan S. Isaiah Professor Hearing Impairment
8 Dr. Sr. Juliana R. Bodang Reader Rehabilitation Science
9 Dr. Samuel D. Milaham Reader Rehabilitation Science
10 Dr. Abednego Michael Reader Hearing Impairment
11 Dr. Mary Aiyelesol Reader Learning Disabilities
12 Mrs. Veronica Gumut Reader Learning Disabilities
13 Mrs. Sarah Nengel Reader Learning Disabilities
14 Dr. Emmanuel A. Owobi Reader Hearing Impairment
15 Dr. Nenrot Gomwalk Senior Lecturer Learning Disabilities
16 Dr. Malubu B. Ekwama Senior Lecturer Hearing Impairment
17 Dr. Abani Gwanshak Senior Lecturer Rehabilitation Science
18 Dr. Patricia K. Longpoe Senior Lecturer Rehabilitation Science
19 Dr. Charity U. Aliu Senior Lecturer Rehabilitation Science
20 Dr. Lengnen J. Jikukka Senior Lecturer Hearing Impairment
21 Dr. Amwe A. Rachael Senior Lecturer Rehabilitation Science
22 Dr. Victor U. Iroegbu Senior Lecturer Hearing Impairment
23 Mr. James A. Wuyep Lecturer I Hearing Impairment
24 Mrs. Kaneng Kwandi Lecturer I Hearing Impairment
25 Mr. Dommak N. Frances Lecturer I Hearing Impairment
26 Mr. Dommak N. Frances Lecturer I Learning Disabilities
27 Mr. Samuel O. Olawuwo Lecturer I Rehabilitation Science
28 Mr. Nimmak Pirmak Lecturer II Hearing Impairment
29 Mrs. Mambyen Nanlir Lecturer II Hearing Impairment
30 Dr. Ugoh Nnenna Lecturer II Learning Disabilities
31 Mrs. Nankling Pankyes Assistant Lecturer Visual Impairment
32 Mrs. Mercy Arandong Assistant Lecturer Hearing Impairment  
33 Mrs. Lear Homsuk Assistant Lecturer Hearing Impairment
34 Mrs. Aliu Silvia Maria Assistant Lecturer Rehabilitation Science
35 Mr. Bulus Polmi Assistant Lecturer Hearing Impairment
# Name Rank Responsibilities
1 Dabut Luka Danladi Assistant Chief Technical Officer Transcript for students with visual impairment.
2 Mrs. Victoria Samuel Wapwera Technologist I Carry out Interpretation during lectures, Meetings, and workshops in the Department and also at the Academic Board meetings in the University.
3 Mr. Gang Dachung Musa Technologist II -Interpret for the hearing impaired during seminars, workshops etc.
4 Mrs. Blessing Enna Musa Laboratory Technician Introducing teaching aids to students and to assess students etc.
5 Martha Ogbe Technologist I Carry out Interpretation during lectures, Meetings, and workshops in the Department and also at the Academic Board meetings in the University.
6 Prof. Belinda. G. Babudoh Professor Hearing Impairment
7 Bitrus Palam Technical Officer Attending to students during lectures e.g. -Introducing teaching aids to students and to assess students etc.
8 Dakam P. Longkam Technical Officer -Brailling/Guide to VH Students. -Transcript for students with visual impairment as well as attending to them during lectures
9 Mr. P.M. Onoja Tutor I Hearing Handicap Intervention Teacher at the Departmental Model Teaching Centre.
10 Mrs. Hannatu Ayuba Gimba Senior Chief Sec. Assistant Overseeing the activities of Junior Staff in the Department
11 MR. Sharsohot Shenin Ignatius Principal Executive Officer (1) Liaising with the Departmental Secretary to ensure all administrative duties of the department are carried out.
12 Maju Samuel Ishaku Executive Officer -Receiving, registering and recording of all incoming and outgoing documents to and from the department.
13 Jonathan Office Assistant -Assisting in clerical duties, filing of documents, letters, and, memos in the cabinet. -Dispatching mails (Memos), photocopying results and other documents in the department and keeping the department clean.
14 Serah Kpaze Musa Office Assistant -Assist in clerical duties, filing of documents, letters, and memos in the appropriate file. -Dispatching, photocopying, and selling of Diploma Forms and keeping the Department clean.
  • National Association of Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Students Jos Chapter (NASERSS)
  • National Universities Deaf Students Association Jos Chapter (NUDSA)
  • Jos University Visually Impaired Students’ Union(JUVISU)

Departmental Head Name: Dr. Juliana Rotkangmwa Bodang

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Contact Phone: 2348035868992