Mariam D. Solomon holds the Bachelor of Science, Masters and Ph.D degrees. Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry and Nutrigenomics, also attended Advanced School on the Molecular aspects of the Metabolic Syndrome IRAN, HERS Academy South Africa, trainings on Research Ethics, informed consent, research ethics evaluation etc.
With impressive leadership and mentoring skills, she has held many administrative and leadership positions within and outside the University system. She is the Pioneer Dean of the Faculty since 2018.
A distinguished Scholar and Researcher with impressive academic achievements, has won research grants and led scientific investigations and published in reputable journals. Her research interests are in the areas of :
·Health risk and nutritional status among manual stone crushers.
She has supervised many student’s Dissertations and Theses at Masters and Doctoral levels, is a member of several Professional bodies. She has collaborated and engaged in National and International assignments and received several awards, scholarships and recognitions..
As part of her Career goal, she seeks for opportunities that will be engaging, supportive, knowledge and passion-driven where she can contribute knowledge, skills and expertise at professional level while keeping to ethics, initiative, selfless service and responsible conduct.
She is a team player, loves Reading, Conducting research, networking and collaborations, singing.