Area of Specialization: Nutrition, Production And Animal Biochemistry
Dr. Uchele Okpanachi has a PhD in Nutrition and Production. He is currently a Reader/Associate Prof. and HoD, Animal Production, University of Jos, Nigeria and is due for promotion to the rank of a full Professor in 2024. His over 16 years of research in the University, especially in the areas of low-cost feed production and utilization, using waste/nonconventional feedstuffs have birthed over 70 publications. He has been part of several trainings, conferences (local and international) and community development activities, helping to meet the SDGs 1, 2,3,5, 6 and 7. He has supervised over 56 students (undergraduates and post graduate). A Registered Animal Scientist, a member of the following bodies, among other: Nigerian Institute of Animal Science (NIAS), Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP), Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM), Biotechnology Society of Nigeria (BSN), Agricultural Policy Research Network (APRNet). He is happily married with 3 children and professes Jesus Christ.