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Masters/Postgraduate Diploma in Conflict Management and Peace Studies.

Duration Time 18 Months
Level master

The Center for Peace and Conflict Management at the University of Jos offers the Postgraduate Diploma in Conflict Management and Peace Studies (PGD). The Center equips it’s students with the theoretical and skills to analyze, manage, and prevent conflict in diverse contexts. Through a flexible combination of core courses, electives, and a research project, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of:

•           Theories and concepts of conflict and peacemaking: Explore the root causes of conflict, delve into different conflict resolution approaches, and critically examine contemporary peacebuilding strategies.

•           Research methodologies and skills: Develop sophisticated research skills for analyzing conflict dynamics, gathering data, and conducting impactful research on peace and conflict issues.

•           Conflict analysis and management tools: Learn frameworks and techniques for conflict assessment, mediation, negotiation, and post-conflict reconstruction.

•           Global and regional perspectives: Gain insights into diverse conflict contexts and peacebuilding efforts across Africa, the world, and specific regions of interest.

•           The role of actors in peacebuilding: Examine the contributions of governments, civil society organizations, international institutions, and local communities in promoting peace and development.

Course Structure:

The MSc./PGD is  divided into two semesters.

First Semester:

•           Core courses: These compulsory courses lay the foundation for your understanding of peace and conflict studies, covering research methodologies, key issues, theories, and African approaches to conflict resolution.

•           Electives: Choose from a diverse range of electives to tailor your learning to your specific interests and career goals. Explore topics like negotiation skills, humanitarian intervention, gender and conflict, religion and peacebuilding, and more.

Second Semester:

•: The final core deepens your understanding of the critical relationship between democracy, human rights, and conflict resolution.

•           Research Project: Conduct an independent research project under the guidance of a faculty advisor, applying your knowledge and skills to a real-world peace and conflict issue.

Who should apply?

This program is ideal for individuals with a passion for peacebuilding and a drive to make a positive impact in the world. It welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, including social sciences, humanities, law, development studies, international relations, and those with professional experience in conflict-affected areas.

Learning Outcomes:

By successfully completing the MSc/PGD, you will be able to:

•           Analyze the root causes and dynamics of conflict in various contexts.

•           Apply conflict analysis and management tools to address different types of conflict.

•           Critically evaluate peacebuilding theories and practices.

•           Conduct independent research on peace and conflict issues.

•           Design and implement peacebuilding initiatives in diverse settings.

•           Advocate for peace and human rights on local, national, and international levels.