Contact Info
Contact Email: ikeobin@unijos.edu.ng, nikeobi2002@yahoo.com
Contact Phone nos: +2348037032354, +2347057452645
Dr Nneka Rosemary Ikeobi
Head of Department
Dr Nneka Rosemary Ikeobi is a Senior Lecturer with the Department of Actuarial Science, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Jos. She is a seasoned researcher in the following branches of actuarial sciences; Capital Market/Investment analysis, Accounting and Finance. She has published papers with reputable journals both within and beyond the shores of Nigeria. She is also a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Stockbroker. Dr Nneka have attended and present papers in various international conferences. Her experience in the Stock Market armed her with the necessary skills in her area of interest.
PhD (Unijos),
MBA (Unijos),
PGDM (Unijos),
PGCE (Wolverhampton, UK)
M.Sc (Unijos),
B.Sc.(Benin), ACA, ACS