Welcome to the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Jos. The Department was established in 2003 with Prof. John C. Aguiyi as the pioneer Head of Department, with six (6) full-time academic staff and one Technologist. Currently, the department has twelve (12) academic staff and six (6) technical staff (two technologists and four laboratory assistance).
The Department provides a general understanding of the principles of drug therapy as it relates to the safety, efficacy and rational use of drugs (and non-drug measures), for the management of different diseases. The students are expected to carry out basic clinical techniques and undertake extensive clinical ward rounds in accredited health institutions to enable them appreciate and critically evaluate disease presentations leading to a proper understanding of the basis for the institution of appropriate drug therapy. This will enhance their ability for Drug Therapy Problem identification and resolution. Inter-professional collaboration in patient management is also enhanced through regular contact with other members of the health care team during clinical wards rounds.
In addition to the Pharm D programme, the department also run postgraduate programmes, including Postgraduate Diploma (PGD), Master of Science (M. Sc), and Masters /Doctor of Philosophy (MPhil/PhD) in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice. These will provide students the opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge and skills needed to practice pharmacy competently. The students at the end of the programme should be specialists in various areas of Clinical Pharmacy and should be proficient in research, entrepreneurship and the practice of Pharmacy.