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Centre for Biotech and Genetic Engineering

Research Center

Centre for Biotech and Genetic Engineering (CBGE)


Prof. Ishaya Y. Longdet


To provide an enabling environment; create opportunities for multi-disciplinary education, training and research; tailored to drive innovation in biotechnology thereby generating economically viable products and processes for addressing human problems.


To be a Centre of Excellence that provides and promotes quality Biotechnology education, skills, innovative research for solving agricultural, economic, environmental and human health problems.


1.     Provide and maintain opportunities that stimulate interrogative thinking for generation of innovative ideas that spark creativity in addressing human problems.

2.     Advance knowledge in biotechnology for promotion of scientific understanding and attainment; social acceptance and economic values.

3.     Set up biotechnology infrastructure through which students, staff and the general public will achieve Capacity building to be the next generation of Nigeria’s bio developers.

4.     Enhance diversity of Nigeria’s scientific workforce through collaboration and linkages.


The Centre for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (CBGE), University of Jos was established in 2006 in response to the national and global drive for investment in and development of biotechnology. The Centre was geared to focus on Research and Development (R & D) in biotechnology primarily employing the Genetic Engineering Tool and others among staff and students of the University of Jos. Within the seventeen year period, four Professors had served as Directors of the Centre. They are: Professor C. I. C. Ogbonna (2006 - 2010); Professor B. A. Ajala (2010 - 2015); Professor O. A. T. Namo (2015 – 2019); and Professor F. C. Onwuliri (2019 – 2023). Each one of them made different levels of contributions to the development of the Centre. Currently, Professor Ishaya Y. Longdet is the Director. He was appointed in March, 2023.

As part of the dream to drive the Centre towards goal attainment, the University of Jos signed a MoU with the National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA) on 23rd July, 2008 for the establishment of the North-Central Zone Biotechnology Centre of Excellence (NC-ZBCE) in the University of Jos. The obligations captured in the MoU can be beneficial to the University of Jos, NABDA and Nigeria. The CBGE was allocated two pieces of land in Langtang South for the Agricultural Biotechnology operation of the Centre.



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Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Research